This was a wonderful treat for all of us here at Plantation Shutters Florida; the Stuart News wrote a feature story about us this past Thursday, February 25th, 2016.

And the article’s writer, Wendy Meyerson Vogeley, couldn’t have been any nicer when she called to interview us. And she was just as smart as nice as evidenced by her getting right into the mix when she asked “What makes Plantation Shutters of Florida better, different, unique from all the others.” I’ll tell you, that’s a question I’ve answered before online but when asked in-person by a reporter I found it more of a challenge to maintain a level of modesty. I certainly didn’t want to sound like a braggart. But she was a real pro and focused on the facts and I have an easier time speaking in those terms.
Readers of this blog and all our customers, friends and neighbors already know the answers but for those of you that would like to read about it you can click on the image on this page and it will open in another window where you can enlarge it enough to read comfortably.